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Energized! Secrets To Your Success

Apr 17, 2023

All things are possible unless we say they are not. This is substantiated by the fact that everything we are surrounded by once thought to be impossible has been made possible. Why, because someone decided to look at it from another angle. Likewise, when we change our approach to the way we view possibilities in our...

Apr 10, 2023

We either plan to be successful or fail because we didn't plan. If we are committed to arriving at the desired location,then we must write everything in writing as to the who, what, when, where, why and how we are going to succeed.

Apr 3, 2023

Perhaps you think you can't get to where you want to go from where you are because everyone has told you that no-one else has accomplished it and you won't either, so you believe them. We have been told a lot of so-called truths up until now haven't we? You hear this from just about everyone these days and who do you...

Mar 27, 2023

First, get your mind working in the right direction and everything else will follow. If you tell yourself everyday that you are on fire with enthusiasm and excitement, super successful, highly intelligent and extremely motivated you will be and before too long that energy will transform itself into a mere image...

Mar 20, 2023

We either do something or don't do something that causes something to happen or not happen to us. For every action or non action there will always be a result of some kind. Nothing happens by chance; whatever we are experiencing in our lives currently is the direct or indirect outcome of an earlier situation.